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'The best of Sciencewise's thought leadership’ webinar

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The best of Sciencewise's research webinar

Monday 8 September, 1pm – 2pm


To celebrate its 10th anniversary, Sciencewise is holding a webinar on ‘The best of Sciencewise's research. The aim of the webinar is to draw out key themes, valuable insights and learning from the programme’s 10 years of thought leadership research. They have identified several key readings that address important challenges and viable approaches to doing public dialogue. The webinar will involve presentations from some of the authors of these key papers, followed by a Q&A.


The session will provide an opportunity to discuss the achievements of public dialogue so far and highlight gaps for future research and practice. The discussion will focus on key aspects of public dialogue:

  • When, how and why should the public be engaged?
  • What do we mean by the public?
  • And how might technology facilitate ongoing public engagement activities?


Who should attend?

The session is designed to provide guidance to policy makers curious about/or actively looking to engage the public on policy issues involving science and technology.

They hope you can join them for what should be an interesting look back on a decade of research.


To register, please click here.

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