Case study
SEPnet (the South East Physics Network) is a consortium of university physics departments in the South East of England, working together to promote physics. Physics is a key subject in the modern world, and is currently recovering from a dip …
Today's post comes from Alex Brown at the The University of York Centre for Lifelong Learning and uses examples from all three Charter principles. Universities and science learning centres have a complementary set of skills in science education and research. By …
Today's post comes from Andy Lloyd, Head of Special projects at the International Centre for Life Trust. This study is an evaluation of the impact that the Centre for Life in Newcastle upon Tyne has had and is an example of principle …
This post comes from Lynsey Fairweather, Participation Coordinator at Thinktank and discusses their ongoing Ignite programme, which demonstrates principle one of the Charter 'Ignite is Thinktank’s Young People’s Forum that was set up in 2012, in response local young people asking for in …
Patrick Middleton of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council decribes the results of a public dialogue that embodies principle three of the Charter. 'Synthetic biology is a new science that applies the principles of engineering to biology. It aims …
The latest case study comes from Paul Manners at the NCCPE and encompasses all three of the Charter principles ‘For many staff and students working in UK universities the new Charter affirms something we’ve been working hard to achieve for many years. …
Our latest blog comes from the Institute of Physics and demonstrates the implementation and practice of principle two of the Charter 'For more than 25 years, only around 20% of students progressing on to A-level physics have been girls. The …
This case study comes from the Wellcome Trust. Scientific conference + Public Engagement = Wonder Q: What happens when you mix over 1000 neuroscientists with 5000 members of the public? A: You get people playing Pong with their brainwaves, children …
The British Science Association have provided our second case study looking at their flagship CREST Awards scheme Youth Panel. "The British Science Association does a lot of work with young people. Our British Science Festival and National Science & Engineering …
Our first case study on the Science and Society Charter comes from Kerry Leslie at Research Councils UK (RCUK) and focuses on their Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research. Public engagement with research brings major benefits to UK …